I travel the world photographing
mothers and remind them
of their
In late 2019, after more than 25 years of photographing pregnant women in my Los-Angeles studio, I was looking for a new direction and meaning in my work.
One day, during a meditation, I wondered how this state of relaxation could affect a fetus of a pregnant mother.
The more I thought about it the more questions kept pouring into my head; Is it possible that we, women, are gifted with a profound spiritual power and responsibility in the creation of our babies? … is it possible that we actually play a much bigger role than we believe we do? Could motherhood begin before the baby is born?
And what about visualization?
Could visualization help a pregnant mother intentionally shape the emotional and brain development of the baby she is carrying?
As all these thoughts were swarming into my brain, it started to make more and more sense,
After all, I thought, visualization has been scientifically proven to aid professional athletes in their training.
By connecting professional athletes to electrodes, tests revealed that just by running the race in their mind triggered an activity in their muscles…
So could it have the same impact for pregnant women using visualization preparing to bring a soul into this world?
An online search revealed a wealth of information as well as research conducted over the past few decades by leading psychiatrists and scientists worldwide, validating my insights.
However, amidst this newfound knowledge, I encountered a tragic statistic that left me restless: over 300,000 women around the world die every year giving birth (that’s every two minutes!), and more than one million babies do not survive past a few months, from reasons that are mostly preventable; lack of skilled, respectful care, inadequate hygiene, insufficient equipment, difficult access to care, and limited education.
In connecting all these dots, I have found my new mission, and the idea for ‘Women-Of-Maternal-Beauty (W.O.M.B), The World Project’ was ‘born’.
The traveling exhibition is planned to feature women from eighteen of the most underprivileged countries, where motherhood is most challenging. Funds from the project would provide assistance to those very same communities.
This project was born out of my passion as a mother, and a believer in a special spiritual power we women possess, a power to mold the life growing within us.
The project is currently ongoing with the following countries already visited:
Guatemala, Uganda, Ecuador, Bangladesh, Philippines, Indonesia, Nepal, Mexico, Peru, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Kenya, The Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and upcoming India.
You can support this project by purchasing from my photo-art collection, which captures and celebrates the beauty and magic in creation that exists all around us, just like creation of a baby.
No woman should lose her life in order to bring new life into this world.